Online calendars can be very useful to share and publish your schedules. One of the most common requests I receive from my jQuery readers is for a good, free-to-use, jQuery Calendar control, similar to the Google Calendar, which can be added to a website or blog.
Here are some of the freely available jQuery Calendar plugins, worth trying out. Please note that this post is about jQuery Calendar Plugins and not DatePicker controls.
jQuery Full Calendar Plugin
FullCalendar is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar. It uses AJAX to fetch events on-the-fly for each month and is easily configured to use your own feed format (an extension is provided for Google Calendar). It is visually customizable and exposes hooks for user-triggered events (like clicking or dragging an event). Supports jQuery UI Themes.
Latest Version – FullCalendar 1.4.6 (May 31st, 2010)
jQuery Frontier Calendar
The jQuery Frontier Calendar is a full month calendar jQuery plugin that looks like Google Calendar. Supports drag-and-drop on agenda items, and iCal VEVENT import. Customizable style via CSS file.
Latest Version - jQueryFrontierCalendar 1.3.1 (June 23rd, 2010)
jQuery Event Calendar Plugin
wdCalendar is a jQuery based Google calendar clone. It cover most Google calendar features. You can integrate it with a database and can have daily, weekly or monthly views. Events can be created, updated or removed by using drag & drop operations.
See a Demo
Latest Version - wdCalendar
jQuery Week Calendar
The jquery-week-calendar plugin provides a simple and flexible way of including a weekly calendar in your application. It is built on top of jquery and jquery ui and is inspired by other online weekly calendars such as Google calendar. Currently this project is not being maintained, but contains a lot of features out-of-the-box for you to tweak.
Latest Version - jquery-weekcalendar-1.2.2
jQuery iCal-like Calendar
Although not like the Google Calendar, I thought this iPhone-like calendar deserves a mention here. The iCal-like calendar, created by Stefano Verna is created using only CSS and jQuery. The calendar has a relatively plain HTML structure and also contains a lightweight Coda-like effect for events description popups.
See a Demo

Latest Version – iCal-like-calendar
So the next time you are looking out for a free jQuery Calendar plugin for your website, I hope this post will help you find one.
You can also check my posts on the jQuery UI DatePicker
Good post. I had to implement an event calendar for a client, and I couldnt find a plugin that allows having a recurring course in different dates (as opposed to recurring events that are daily, weekly, monthly etc.).
Anyway, I wound up using ajax-calendar plugin and twicked the code for that feature.
The weakness of allmost every calendar componenet that exist is that they are not continuous. But then i found this one: Paging between months sucks!
Just to be picky, Anon, I'd say that's a date picker you've found, not a calendar. Nice though :)
On a slightly similar note, why doesn't anyone seem to know what a combo-box is? Two thirds of the JQuery combo-box plugins out there are just drop-downs. Grrrrr.
jQuery Sparkle also includes a very nice and slim jQuery Events Calendar based on the jQuery UI DatePicker. It's been a good choice so far for using in the sidebars of client dashboards on production sites:
^ Should be down the bottom last time I checked.
i like all jQuery date picker.i have also some collections of jQuery colander or jQuery date picker. Please see here:-
can this iCal-like jQuery be added with a Month Navigation easily? if yes, any links how to do it? I'm figuring it out for quite a while now but still fails
Greetings friend, my name is Fred and I'm studying wdCalendar, I installed on my machine, but when I "edit details" it asks to download a plugin:
This feature is disabled. Please download this plugin and install it in your machine for full features
How can I fix this? can you help me?
new & good!!!!
sera actualizado con frecuencia.
I would also recommend a very nice jQuery widget
thanks i have question of u?
1:can i change format date to another country date like Persian
2=please give my hand for save that to sq l server bank
Nice list! Thank you!
I am now using a free version of a free for non-commercial library that I customize according to my needs you can see it on GitHub It’s made by the guys from, they really did a wonderful job with that piece of code.
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