Create a Hyperlink of an Image using jQuery

Here’s a quick and easy way to create a Hyperlink of an Image using jQuery. Let us say you have the following image tags on the page:

<img alt="" src="" />
img alt="" src="" />

To convert these images to hyperlink, we will use the jQuery wrap() function as shown below:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function ()
$("#replAll").click(function ()
$('img').each(function ()
var currImg = $(this); // cache the selector
currImg.wrap("<a href='" + currImg.attr("src") + "' />");

What happens here is whenever the user clicks on the button, the wrap function wraps the anchor HTML structure around each image. After you click the button, you will observe that the images have become ‘clickable’, since they are now hyperlinks.

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  1. $("img").click(function(){ window.location.href = $(this).attr("src"); });

    This does the same, and more importantly, it doesnt alter the html structure of your page, which could easily break your styling with things like floating images or image blocks.

  2. Thank you Anonymous, this method worked perfectly for me!
